Shen. hosts Mahanoy for pink-out game; B-team goes to 2OT

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The Shenandoah Jr. Blue Devil Cheerleaders perform their pink-out show on Oct. 19, 2019.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth | [email protected]
SHENANDOAH – The Shenandoah Jr. Blue Devil organization hosted their annual pink-out game Saturday afternoon, hosting Mahanoy Area for their final regular season game of the year.
The football team donned pink socks and other items, while the Jr. Devils cheerleaders wore their special pink uniforms.
At halftime of the B-Team game, the cheerleaders from all three divisions performed a combined show, before displaying a banner reading “Devils Cheer For A Cure.”

The C-Team game was an unscored scrimmage.
The B-Team game ended regulation with a 12-all tie, and it took two overtime periods to decide it, with Shenandoah edging Mahanoy 18-12.
Our photographer was unable to stay for the A-Team game because of time constraints on another story.
Between the B-Team and A-Team games was a recognition ceremony for the organization’s outgoing 6th graders. Photos from that can be viewed here.