Support the Sentinel

You wanted the Sentinel back, here’s your chance.

About a year and a half ago, I walked away from the Shenandoah Sentinel for new opportunities, ones that could pay the bills, so-to-speak.

In the time since, everywhere I go in town, people ask me about bringing it back, or mention how much they miss it.

I personally have noticed the void left behind, the stories that have gone uncovered, untold. I’d absolutely love to bring the Sentinel back and continue serving the communities I love so dearly, but I need your help. I need your support.

This is your chance to bring the Sentinel back. If everyone who “likes” the Facebook page donated just $1 a month, we’d be all set. Heck, I’d probably be able to bring on some folks to help.

Please, if you found any value in the Sentinel, if you found any value in coverage from your community, of your schools, your sports teams, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

I poured my heart and soul into serving everyone from Shenandoah, Ashland, Mahanoy City, Nuremberg, and all points in-between, and I want nothing more than to continue doing that, but, bills must be paid, and, as we all know, costs keep going up.

Thank you for considering supporting this effort,

~Kaylee Lindenmuth
Publisher/Editor/Multimedia Journalist

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a website that helps digital content creators connect with and find support from their fans, readers, and such.

Typically, Patreon is used to support YouTubers or Twitch streamers, digital artists, and the like.

The platform enables fans of those creators to provide a monthly donation to keep those creators doing what they do best.

Our Patreon page can be found here: