Featured Mahanoy City Building collapses in Mahanoy; S. 8th closed October 29, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Featured Shenandoah Commonwealth approves $1.4 Million for county demo program October 5, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Mahanoy City Mahanoy approves demolition of blighted home, lists McCann’s building with realtor July 15, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Featured Mahanoy City Mahanoy approves emergency demo of former beer distributor July 14, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
East End Century old, long abandoned former meat packing plant coming down September 23, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Northern Schuylkill County County, state officials tout completion of demolition grant program ; work remains in county August 15, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Mahanoy City Mahanoy City approves emergency demolition of four blighted properties May 14, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth