Mahanoy Township Authority seeking grant to rehab Blue Head Pump Station

MAHANOY CITY – The water authority serving Mahanoy City and the surrounding area is seeking a grant to rehabilitate the pumping station that brings water from the Lofty Dam to the borough.

The Mahanoy Township Authority board of directors on Wednesday approved a resolution to seek a Local Share Account grant from the state Department of Community and Economic Development for the project.

Jim Rhoades, Jr., the authority’s engineer, said the project would rehabilitate the Blue Head Pump Station, tucked in the valley between Girard Manor and the Lofty Dam, and they are requesting $780,000 in funding.

He said the pump needs to be upgraded and they also plan to weatherize the building to preserve it for several more decades.

The pump station pumps water from the Lofty Dam in Kline Township, the authority’s largest water source, to the reservoirs near Craigs, which serve the water treatment plant.

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