Union Township approves tentative 2024 budget with no tax increase

RINGTOWN – Union Township supervisors approved their tentative 2024 budget Tuesday night, and it holds the line on taxes.
The budget is balanced at $404,700 and supervisors said it is similar to the 2023 budget.
It still has to be advertised and the final budget will be approved next month.
Supervisors also approved the meeting dates for 2024, which are on Tuesdays as follows:
- Jan. 2
- Feb. 13
- March 12
- April 9
- May 14
- June 11
- July 9
- Aug. 13
- Sept. 10
- Oct. 8
- Nov. 12
- Dec. 10
In other business, Supervisor and Roadmaster Dave Briggs said the road crew will soon install the salt spreaders on the township’s trucks.
Outgoing Supervisor Darrell Laudeman said he received word that the road crew was working over the limit of 20 hours per pay period.
Briggs said there were four weeks where the road crew didn’t work which were made up.
“That doesn’t matter,” Laudeman said.
“It does matter,” Briggs said.
“It doesn’t,” Laudeman said. “It’s a time period we’re allowed to work and a time period we’re not.”
“We’re not going to get much done then,” Briggs said. “If that’s how you want to run it, that’s how it’s going to be, but we had to catch up after four weeks of nothing.”
Laudeman said the only exception is when there is winter weather.
“You know that and it’s been ongoing,” Laudeman said. “You’re just waiting until January.”
Laudeman did not run for re-election this year. He cited concerns about the budget and worried about taxes having to be raised.