Shenandoah Heights Township, borough firefighters tackle mountainside brush fire October 6, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Union Township West Mahanoy firefighters battle brush fire near Shen. Heights August 22, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Featured Mount Carmel Brush fire burns shrubs, bench in downtown Mt. Carmel July 26, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Delano Township Featured ATV catches fire, sparks brush fire in Delano Township July 26, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
West End Borough firefighters, with help of neighbors, tackle backyard brush fire July 2, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Brandonville Featured Firefighters battling cabin fire in Brandonville May 13, 2020 Kaylee Lindenmuth