Shen. Recreation Committee brings Easter Bunny to town

SHERRY STREETER / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A family poses with the Easter Bunny.
SHENANDOAH – The Easter Bunny made a visit to downtown Shenandoah Saturday, thanks to the Shenandoah Recreation Committee.
Wearing a facemask and dancing about, children of all ages had the chance to meet the bunny at Veterans Memorial Park, next to the Damato Post, on North Main Street.

“Last year, we couldn’t do anything, but this year, we are,” said Eric Becker, a volunteer with the committee.
Various Easter-related handouts, from candy to Easter eggs to coloring books were given out, Becker said.

“The library donated some books that we gave, the Polish American gave us a really nice donation, so we’re doing really well this year,” Becker said.
“We can’t go big, but we’re trying to to the best we can with what’s going on,” Becker added.