Rocky Horror Show returns at Nuremberg theater

SUBMITTED PHOTO - From L-R: Stacey Forsythe, Jason Reese, Carl Rumbel, Becky Nenstiel, Abby Toolan, Kayla Aude, Chandra Keyser, Bruno Aude, Camille Reilly, Eric Pugh, Olivia Witcofski, Harold Roach, Luke Timmons, Dave Moses, Tisha Demshock.
NUREMBERG – The Rocky Horror Show is back in Nuremberg.
The Nuremberg Community Players are reviving the show this October with their live band.
Once again, under the direction of Natasha Keyser, the cast has come back for a second year along with a few new talented faces.
Leading this year’s cast is Todd Statuto as Dr Frank N. Furter along with his creation Rocky, played by Jason Reese.
Stacy Forsythe is the narrator for the show.
Brad Majors, played by Harold Roach, and Janet Weiss, played by Chandra Keyser, lead the show as they find themselves with a flat tire and needing to seek help at the Frankenstein Castle.
There, they are greeted by the Transylvanian butler Riff Raff, played by Olivia Witcofski, who is followed by his wayward group of Phantoms played by Tisha Demshock, Dave Moses, Carl Rumbel, Jennifer Troutman, and Lisa Yurcho.
As they enter the castle, they are unaware of the horrors they will encounter.
They first meet Magenta, the maid, played by Becky Nenstiel, as well as Columbia, played by Kayla Aude, who quickly teach Brad and Janet how to do the anthem of their planet called the “Time Warp.”
Later, they meet Dr. Frank N. Furter’s first playmate Eddie, played by Dave Moses. Eddie’s uncle, Dr. Scott, played by Carl Rumble, cracks the case and sheds light on extraterrestrial encounters at the end of the show.
Feel the music vibrate through the theater as the cast sings with the music of our live band consisting of Camille Reilly, on the piano; Eric Pugh on Drums; Bruno Aude on Bass; Luke Timmons on Guitar; and Abby Toolan on the Saxophone.
Technology and Technical Director Shawn Anderson has taken this show to a whole new level with his innovative ideas.
Prop bags will be sold for $5 at the door. They include everything you need to enhance your experience such as bubbles, small water guns, glow sticks, rubber gloves, noise makers, bells, and a newspaper.
Help the theater celebrate its 40 year anniversary and join us Friday, October 13th at 7pm, Saturday, October 14th at 10pm, and Sunday, October 15th at 3pm.
The Emerson Theater is located at 283 Hazle Street, Nuremberg. Tickets are $15.00 each.
Reservations are recommended as this show is bound to sell out like it did last year.
Please call for reservations at 1-877-718-7894.
The Nuremberg Community Players is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization. No members have ever been paid, we are a fully volunteer operated theater.