Police: North Bower man charged for trespassing at multiple east end locations

SHENANDOAH – A North Bower Street man is in Schuylkill County Prison, accused of defiant trespass at multiple locations on the east end.
Joseph A. Velousky, 36, of 116 North Bower, is facing four counts of felony criminal trespass, seven counts of misdemeanor defiant trespass, and two counts of simple trespass for a host of incidents in the past three months.
The charges were spread across four criminal complaints filed by Borough Police this month and another in November.
According to a criminal complaint filed on Nov. 30 by Patrolman Cody Applegate, on Nov. 30, police were called to the Ateeco/Mrs. T’s plant on East Centre Street around 10am for a report of trespassing.
An employee of the pierogi manufacturer told police that Velousky approached the gate around 6am, was told to leave, and returned around 10am, walking through the gate.
Another employee confronted Velousky. Velousky told the employee he was looking for his father, who passed away in 2014. He was told to leave again, and he did.
According to another criminal complaint filed on Jan. 6 by Applegate, Velousky returned to the plant eleven times between Nov. 30 and Dec. 21.
At 10:45am Nov. 30, Velousky was seen by an employee loitering in the front office parking lot and staring into the windows of the office.
At 12:30pm the same day, he entered the employee entrance parking lot and was confronted by an employee. Velousky asked that employee if his father was inside.
On Dec. 1, Velousky was seen inside the vestibule of the main plant entrance at 8am and, around 1pm, he was seen looking inside the shed at the parking lot. Confronted by an employee, he once again asked if his father was inside.
During second shift hours later that day, Velousky was seen at least eight times beginning at 6:30pm. Employees told police he was seen wandering around the parking lot, leaning against the shed, peering into the hairnet and earplug room, and entering the warehouse vestibule. There, at 9pm, he saw employees approaching the area and left.
On Dec. 2 at 6am, he entered the employee parking lot and was once again told to leave.
At 12:07am, he was seen inside the warehouse vestibule.
On Dec. 7 at 3am, he was seen walking through the warehouse gate and was told to leave.
Later that morning, around 11:35am, he was seen ringing the doorbell to the front lobby and told to leave.
On Dec. 21 at 11:10am, he was seen ringing the doorbell again while peering in the window, and told to leave.
Patrolman Marvin Livergood filed three criminal complaints against Velousky on Jan. 16 for incidents at the post office and Shenandoah Village Apartments on Jan. 6.
Just before 1pm Jan. 6, Livergood said he was called to the post office at 119 North White Street.
The postmaster, Victoria Derenzo, told Livergood that Velousky came into the lobby area of the post office and was told to leave twice that day. The postmaster told Livergood that Velousky had been told multiple times by management and police that he was not permitted on the property.
Velousky was served a notice of trespass on Dec. 15.
During one of the incidents Jan. 6, the postmaster said Velousky refused to leave and was yelling at staff. When he did leave, he was seen lurking at the rear of the property on North Lehigh Street, where the post office’s vehicles are parked and loaded.
Prior to police arrival, Velousky fled and was not located in the area.
At 1:15pm Jan. 6, Livergood was called to the Shenandoah Village Apartments at 200 East Coal Street. Maintenance personnel told Livergood that Velousky entered the first set of lobby doors at the apartment complex and was told to leave. He was reminded that he was not permitted on the property and Livergood said in the complaint that he was told prior by management and police.
Velousky was arrested for trespassing at the property before, Livergood said in the filing.
Velousky was arraigned Tuesday by Magisterial District Judge Anthony Kilker and committed to Schuylkill County Prison, unable to post 10% of $10,000 cash bail.