Police investigate bomb threats to college, hospital in Hazleton; football stadium swept as precaution

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - A Hazleton City Police car on Dec. 18, 2022.
HAZLETON – Two locations in Hazleton received bomb threats Friday morning and a third was swept as a precaution.
City Police said they were called just before 11am to the Lackawanna College satellite campus downtown for a reported bomb threat.
While there, police said another threat was received at the Lehigh Valley Hospital – Hazleton campus. Both threats said a bomb was being delivered to the called location.
The Scranton Police Department and State Police were called in to assist and both the college and hospital were swept by bomb sniffing dogs, which found nothing.
With a football game scheduled at Harman Geist Stadium, police also swept that facility and found nothing there either.
City Police say the calls were “swatting” calls, where individuals from another area call 911 attempting to get a mass response from law enforcement.
Elsewhere in Luzerne County, Dallas announced on Twitter that their football game against West Scranton was postponed due to a threat.