Penn State Schuylkill to hold competition for business startup funding

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL FILE PHOTO - A marker at Penn State Schuylkill recognizing the history of the campus. Penn State Schuylkill is looking for participants for its LionLaunch program.
SCHUYLKILL HAVEN – Penn State Schuylkill and its local community partners, SCORE, Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, Schuylkill Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO), Pottsville Area Development Corporation (PADCO), Schuylkill County’s VISION, and the Northeastern Pennsylvania Manufacturers and Employers Association (NEPA MAEA), announce the first Penn State Schuylkill LionLaunch Business Plan Competition for startup seed funding. The competition is open to the public and budding entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply to compete.
Participating teams will create business plans and prepare to launch or grow their businesses by competing for a portion of the $50,000 seed funds awarded to Penn State Schuylkill by the Invent Penn State initiative. Successful Entrepreneurs, experts, alumni, and community partners will serve as mentors, judges, and workshop presenters.
The competition is a great place to introduce new ideas and innovations of upcoming entrepreneurs to the Schuylkill County community. Future plans through the LionLaunch program include offering winners the opportunity to participate in an incubator-style hub with little-or-no cost office space near the campus for up to six months after the competition, which is slated to begin spring 2017.
On Wednesday evenings throughout February, there will be several, optional free workshops offered by Penn State Schuylkill’s LionLaunch program for those who are interested in participating in the Business Plan Competition.
The first event, an orientation, takes place at 6 p.m. on February 1st, where rules, judging criteria, mentor guidelines, and application expectations are to be presented. The following Wednesday, a speed networking event will provide an opportunity to curious would-be entrepreneurs to interview content experts in a fun and fast-paced atmosphere, similar to speed dating. This format is a unique way to meet other business professionals and glean important information that may be used in preparing a complete business plan.
On February 22nd, at the final Wednesday event beginning at 6 p.m., there will be a practice pitch session where a panel of experienced entrepreneurs and business and communication experts will comment on each applicants’ prospective pitches to offer suggestions for modifications or improvements.
The LionLaunch initiative wants to provide every opportunity for each applicant to earn funding successfully at the Business Plan Competition. Through the Invent Penn State initiative, Penn State Schuylkill’s LionLaunch program strives to provide support and knowledge to ensure success to local competitors in their current and future endeavors.
The culminating event of the second phase of the LionLaunch initiative is the Business Plan Competition. It will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1st, at Penn State Schuylkill, in room 201 of the Health and Wellness Building. The event is free and open to the public.
For sponsorship opportunities or application information, please contact Laura Hoppes, LionLaunch Coordinator, at 570-385-6065 or [email protected]. Interested entrepreneurs can also apply online at