Mahanoy SD quarantining students, family who leave country or visit coronavirus-impacted areas

MAHANOY CITY – Anyone who travels outside the U.S. or visits a coronavirus-impacted area of the country is barred from the Mahanoy Area School District for two weeks, district officials said Tuesday.
The district posted a release to their Facebook page, stating that ” the health, safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top priorities,” and as such, they are instating preventative safety measures.
” If you travel outside the Continental United States, you and all in your household will be quarantined from the Mahanoy Area School District for fourteen (14) calendar days,” the district wrote in the release. “If you travel anywhere in the United States that represents an elevated risk of infection through confirmed cases of the Coronavirus… you and all in your household will be quarantined from the Mahanoy Area School District for fourteen (14) calendar days. If you are not sure if the area represents an elevated risk of infection, please contact us before you travel.”
The district, to define areas with an “elevated risk of infection,” they referred to a Washington Post article published March 10 entitled “Mapping the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. and worldwide.”
“All students are required to take home all textbooks, notebooks, study guides, etc. before traveling,” the district added. “Upon return, if quarantined, the staff will contact the student by phone or email to provide missed work.”
Additionally, any new students from outside the United States or from areas with confirmed cases will be quarantined as well.
After the 14 day quarantine, a doctor’s note will be required to visit or attend the Mahanoy Area School District, officials added.
After the 14 days of any quarantine, a physician’s note will be required in order to visit/attend the Mahanoy Area School District.
“We are taking these precautionary measures in an attempt to reduce the risk associated with Coronavirus,” the district continued. We all play a role in reducing the likelihood of a Coronavirus outbreak in our school district community.”
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the total “presumptive” positive cases of the disease in the Commonwealth was 11, most of which were in southeastern Pennsylvania.