Hazleton, Pottsville newspapers cut Monday print edition

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - The Pottsville Republican-Herald offices on Mahantango Street in Pottsville.
POTTSVILLE – If you pick up a daily newspaper on Mondays, your options have gotten even slimmer.
Times Shamrock Communications, parent company of the Pottsville Republican-Herald and Hazleton Standard~Speaker daily newspapers announced today that their dailies will cease publishing Monday print editions effective April 10.
The change, they say, mirrors a trend in daily newspapers cutting print days in an effort to cut costs.
Three of Alabama’s largest newspapers ceased print publication altogether last month. In eastern Pennsylvania, the Shamokin News-Item ended its Sunday and Monday editions several years ago, while the Harrisburg Patriot-News prints three days a week. The Bloomsburg Press-Enterprise continues to publish seven days a week.
The Pottsville newspaper added its Sunday edition shortly after its acquisition by Times Shamrock, first publishing seven days a week in 2004.
Citing Brad Simpson, president of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, the Republican says the majority of newspapers in the Commonwealth have transitioned to a digital edition model for at least one day a week.