Hazleton Police warn residents of credit card skimmers

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - A Hazleton City Police car on Dec. 18, 2022.
HAZLETON – Hazleton Police say they’ve received numerous calls about skimming devices in the city.
The devices are overlaid on gas pumps, ATMs, and other payment terminals, like self checkouts at stores.
They collect debit card information, which is then used for illegal purchases.

Police suggest that, if something seems suspicious, you can wiggle the top if the terminal to see if it is loose or visible and inspect the top and bottom to see if there is anything suspicious about the card reader.
If you are a victim of a skimming device, police say to go to your local police department with a copy of your bank statement showing the unauthorized transactions.
If a device is found in a store, notify the manager of that location and then contact the police