Girardville Basketball Assoc., Centiole’s treat Manor workers with pizza

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - From L-R Todd Selgrade, Centiole's Pizza owner, Michelle Saldukas, RN Supervisor at Shenandoah Manor, and Paul Kowalick, President of the Girardville Basketball Association.
SHENANDOAH – Workers at the Shenandoah Manor Nursing Center on East Washington Street received a donation of pizza from the next town over as a show of appreciation for front line workers.
Girardville Basketball Association President Paul Kowalick and Centiole’s Pizza owner Todd Selgrade dropped off pizza for the evening and overnight shifts at the Manor around 5:30pm today.
The pair dropped off pizzas earlier in the day for the early shifts at the facility.
“We came up with this idea to give back to the people who’ve helped us,” Kowalick said, noting the contributions of healthcare workers to the organization and to the community as a whole.