ELECTION 2023: Rhoads wins in Union, incumbents sweep Ashland

RINGTOWN – Union Township will have a new supervisor, while Ashland Borough Council will remain the same in the new year.
In Union, Republican Jeremy Rhoads defeated Democrat Donald J. White 274 votes to 183 to fill the term of the retiring Darrell Laudeman.
Both are newcomers to the political sphere, and Rhoads said polls had been busy all day while he was there.
Meanwhile, in Ashland, all three incumbents retained their seat on borough council.
Republican Patrick Cooney and Democrats Ann Marie Groody, and Barry J. Spieles were the top three vote-getters in their election, earning 335, 300, and 266 respectively.
They were challenged by Chrystal Nelson, who was not running with any party. She received 128 votes.