Conroy resigns as girls’ basketball coach

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - Chris Conroy coaching a girls' basketball game in 2018.
SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah Valley is looking for a new girls’ basketball coach.
The resignation of Chris Conroy, who completed his 14th season at the helm of the Lady Devils squad this year, as head coach was accepted by the Shenandoah Valley School Board Wednesday night.
Under Conroy’s leadership, the Lady Devils won the 2014-15 District XI 1A title over Williams Valley.
That victory came a year after falling to Marian in the title game.
District Superintendent Brian Waite and school board President Dan Salvadore both praised Conroy.
“He did a fine job and he will be missed,” Salvadore said.
“I’ve been around coaches for 30 years in education, and I could see that Conroy had a system in place to where he took them from wherever their skillset was, and they always grew and developed within the program and they became a team,” Waite said. “He was always focused in on, not just their athletic skills, but making sure that they were academically doing what they needed to do to be successful student athletes.”
The district approved posting and advertising the position.