Brandonville Mtn. Brush Fire burns 282 Acres, under investigation

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - Smoke from a brush fire near Brandonville is visible from Shenandoah on Thursday afternoon.
BRANDONVILLE – A brush fire between Shenandoah and Brandonville, which burned nearly 300 acres and could be seen as far away as Shenandoah and Sheppton, is under investigation, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
The fire, which was reported around 1:00pm from the Bears Head Fire Tower near Delano, took DCNR Forestry fire crews, assisted by volunteers from across northern Schuylkill County, over seven hours to control, and burned 282 acres of land in Mahanoy and West Mahanoy Townships, before being officially contained at 8:30pm.
Fire crews from Ringtown, Sheppton-Oneida, Nuremberg-Weston, Shenandoah, Shenandoah Heights, William Penn, Altamont, Girardville, Gordon, Llewellyn, among others, were on scene throughout the day, along with crews from DCNR.
The weather didn’t help the firefight, as temperatures neared 90 degrees, and wind gusts neared 20mph.
DCNR Fire Crews remained on scene well into the night extinguishing hot spots.
DCNR is currently investigating the fire.