Borough sells collapsing N. Emerick properties for demolition

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Shenandoah Fire Assistant Chief Joe Boris takes a closer look at the collapsed home at 9 North Emerick Street.
SHENANDOAH – The borough approved selling the collapsing triplex it owns on North Emerick so a neighbor can bring the property down.
Council approved selling 9, 11, and 13 North Emerick for $500 each with the stipulation that each comes down within 90 days.
“Those three properties, the one fell into Jermyn’s [Bar],” Tony Sajone, borough manager, said.
The current owner of the former Jermyn’s Bar building has renovated the building and is renting out the apartments, and Sajone said he is “eager” to get the neighboring blighted properties demolished.
The triplex suffered a partial collapse on April 28, with the south wall leaning against the former Jermyn’s Bar building. The properties have been owned by the borough since 2003.
I live at 221 east coal next to the roof collapse at 219 I had severe damage to my porch roof Cost 5600dollars to replace A week after completion of project I recieved a citation for 60 dollars Claimed I worked without a permit meanwhile property next to me remains blythed