Election 2019 Girardville Write-in votes tallied, Krick out in Girardville November 13, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Hazle Township One shot with flare gun in HAHS fight; four arrested November 12, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Downtown Furnace work creates smoke condition in neighboring buildings, draws fire response November 9, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
High School Football Spartans blanked in District XI 3A final; Tamaqua wins 20-0 November 8, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Schuylkill County Deer wrecks two vehicles in separate incidents on I-81 November 6, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
East Union Township Election 2019 Mummey defeats Biros in East Union Supervisors race November 5, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Election 2019 Girardville Zangari new mayor in Girardville; incumbents Krick, Marquardt likely to keep council seats November 5, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Election 2019 Shenandoah Incumbent Thomas, challengers Burke and Selbi earn borough council seats November 5, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth
High School Football “It’s safe to say that one was for you, Jaden”: NS downs Pine Grove 42-20 November 1, 2019 Kaylee Lindenmuth