Argall: PennDOT spent $230k on COVID-19 Safety Plan signs

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A COVID-19 Safety Plan sign at the Gilberton Overpass construction site.

GILBERTON – If you’ve driven along Route 924 during the coronavirus pandemic, you may have noticed signs posted along the roadway noting that a “COVID-19 Safety Plan” was in effect.

State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) said Monday that the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spent $230,000 on signs like those across the Commonwealth, and denounced the spending as “wildly irresponsible.”

Argall says the cost of the sign could’ve covered 3,965 tons of asphalt.

“I cannot believe that PennDOT would even consider such a wasteful expenditure as so many Pennsylvania taxpayers struggle with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Argall in a media release.  “PennDOT has lost $118 million in revenue from decreased traffic, yet still wasted these scarce dollars on unnecessary signs.”

“This is public policy malpractice.  The Governor should promptly fire all of those at PennDOT who approved this wasteful purchase,” Senator Argall continued.

Such signs are present locally at the Gilberton Overpass construction site, both on Route 924 and Route 4033.

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