Firefighters parade, practice skills at Mt. Carmel picnic

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Lavelle Fire Co. Captain Jeremy Smallwood, front, and Lieutenant Kevin Blank, rear, down a bowling pin during a pumping competition in Mount Carmel.
MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County – Firefighters from across the area paraded through Mount Carmel and then practiced their skills before a crowd at this year’s Picnic in the Park.
The three-day event at the Mount Carmel Town Park culminated with a day of activities, including a fire truck parade and a pumping competition.
Companies from Mount Carmel as well as Shenandoah’s Columbia, Butler Township’s Englewood, and more, participated in the parade through town.

Afterward, two companies — Lavelle, and Shamokin’s Liberty — participated in the pumping competition.
Crews of three lined up their engine, set out their gear in front of them, sat down, and competed for the best time to dress, drive their engine down to a set point, and get a hoseline stretched and charged to hit a bowling pin.
Elsewhere at the picnic, amusement rides were set up and food, drinks, shirts, and other items were sold to benefit local first responders.