Home is where the heart is

It’s been awhile.

Five hundred days since I put the Sentinel aside for a new opportunity in the Lehigh Valley.

In the time since, I’ve seen stories here go untold, games go uncovered, and a void form, all while, anywhere I’d go in town, people would flag me down and tell me how much they missed the Sentinel.

Working elsewhere for the past year-and-a-half affirmed the obvious — my heart is home, here in Shenandoah, and my best work came while telling northern Schuylkill’s stories. 

Beginning today, the Sentinel is back. How long depends on your support. Sustainability was a key reason I left the Sentinel last August. Bills have to be paid, y’know.

I’ve started a Patreon page to support this venture, as I had previously. Patreon is a website where fans of content creators, Youtubers, and such can support said creators and allow them to do what they do best. If everyone who “likes” the Sentinel’s Facebook page gave a few dollars a month, we’d be all set. 

If you find value in the Sentinel — in in-depth stories and photos from “north of the mountain,” — please consider supporting. Northern Schuylkill’s stories — our stories — deserve to be told.

Many of you wanted the Sentinel back. Now is your chance, and I hope that I can provide news coverage of value to you — Shenandoah, Mahanoy City, Ashland, Frackville, Girardville, and everywhere in-between — and worthwhile of your support.

Thank you,

~Kaylee Lindenmuth
Publisher/Editor/Multimedia Journalist

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