Nuremberg Community Players celebrate 35 years of theatre

Submitted Press Release
NUREMBERG – Established in 1983, The Nuremberg Community Players, Inc. will celebrate thirty-five years of arts and community theatre entertainment to the community. On April 15 at 3pm, a special celebration program will be held at their theater, 283 Hazle Street, Nuremberg, that will be free to everyone, and the community and public are invited to attend.
The festivities will begin with presentation excerpts from some past productions that the Players have done over their 35 years. Those participating are members of the original casts, returning to reprise their original roles. Included are Keith Medash and Adam Randis in “Peter Pan”, Todd Statuto and Christine Lisbinski in “Fiddler on the Roof”, Christopher Pavlick in “Singing in the Rain”, Kris Fetterman in “Willie Wonka”, Austyn Redwinski and Rebecca Nenstiel in “Funny Girl”, Diane McAfee, Joanne Weaver, Kim Gatski, Lucille Fala-Brennan, Denise Steibing, and Becky Nenstiel in “Nunsense”, and Shawn Anderson, Desiree Anderson, Bobby Maso, Matt Maso, Kim Gatski, Todd Statuto, Audrey Glickert, Tisha Demshock, Yamilet Tineo, Theresa McKinney, Amanda Bisco, and Brenda and Jacob Sachleben in “Murders in the Heir”.
The closing number will be from “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” which was first presented in 1983 as the theatre’s very first production. The reprise will be sung by the entire chorus of the upcoming production, of “Joseph”, to be presented May 11th, 12th, and 13th, 2018.
George Croll will serve as Emcee for the event, and the Reverend William H. Knott, Senior Pastor of Savior Lutheran Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, who was the founder of the group, will offer the Invocation. President Emmerson Lindenmuth will close the program and refreshments will be served!
The group wishes to publicly thank the community for its continued support in helping the theatre thrive and grow through the years and into the future.