Shen. Zoning Commission tables hearing to reopen Sands Restaurant

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The former Sands Restaurant on June 21, 2018.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
SHENANDOAH – A zoning hearing regarding a request to reopen Sands Restaurant, on East Centre Street in a residential-zoned district, was tabled on Thursday after the applicant failed to appear.
Felix Diaz, of 555 Peace Street, Hazleton, Luzerne County, submitted an application to the Shenandoah Zoning Commission for a permit to reopen the vacant restaurant at 201 East Centre and four apartments above it. The district in which the property sits is zoned residential, according to the borough.
The property is currently owned by Monberger Inc., of Ringtown. According to the application, no work would be done on the property besides reopening the restaurant, which is only described as “restaurant.”
Charles Vascavage, zoning commission member, noted during the meeting that the commission had questions regarding exactly what the property would be used for, then opened the floor to public comment.
Donna Kulpowicz, owner of the property which houses Sosar Physical Therapy and a Child Development location on East Centre, said she also had questions for Diaz.
“I’m all for businesses opening, I think it’s a great thing for the town, but I do have a very large investment down there, that I would like to ask some questions of Mr. Diaz regarding what kind of restaurant, what his hours are going to be,” said Kulpowicz. “I can’t have anyone parking on our lot… I just have a lot of questions that I would like to ask Mr. Diaz before the board would approve it.”
Kulpowicz continued to ask the commission if there was an ordinance regarding an off street parking requirement for commercial properties, noting that when her property was developed, she was required to have off-street parking.
Vascavage said they weren’t sure, and that they would look into it.
“Mr. Vascavage, what I would recommend to you, then, I would table this hearing, request that the applicant come down and personally appear and describe what he’s going to do,” said borough manager Joe Palubinsky.
“In all fairness, which we want to be very fair to everybody, I think that we should table this until he could make an appearance, and he can clarify exactly what’s going to go there, and clarify any issues he would have, say, with you (Kulpowicz) or anyone else down that area,” said Vascavage, tabling the meeting.