Sheppton-Oneida Fire donates AED to Park Crest Fish and Game

PHOTO COURTESY / SOVFC - Pictured from left at the presentation is Cindy Wilson, Park Crest Secretary, Rick Grabosky, Park Crest and SOVFC member, Albert Malacusky, Park Crest President, Kyle Mummey, SOVFC Chief, and Robert Gabardi, SOVFC President.
ZION GROVE – The Sheppton-Oneida Fire Co. recently donated an automated external defibrillator to a local fish and game club.
The fire company presented the AED to members of the Park Crest Fish and Game this past Sunday.
A grant allowed the firehouse to update their supply of AEDs and, when that’s done, they refurbish their older models and donate them to local organizations to improve the chances of survival in a cardiac event.