Zoning hearing scheduled to settle solar farm property line issue

SHEPPTON – East Union Township supervisors now have until the end of the year to render a decision on a proposed land development plan for a solar farm tabled over a property line that may not exist.
The East Union Township Zoning Hearing Board will convene on Dec. 9 to consider a variance request for a solar farm planned for the Austra property at 129 Phineyville Road. A time was not made available Monday night.
The issue at hand for the 33-acre solar farm proposed by New Leaf Energy is a setback requirement. East Union Township requires a 100-yard setback for solar farms from the property line.
At last month’s township meeting, Attorney Nathan C. Favreau, acting as solicitor for the township, said that the plan instead uses a 35-yard setback.
That measurement is from the roadway, not the deeded property line.
The property line, property owner Amy Austra-Gerneth told the board last month, is not the road. The 100 acre property spans both sides of Phineyville Road, she said.
At last month’s meeting, a 30-day extension was granted and the matter tabled until it could be considered by the zoning hearing board.
Supervisors considered another extension Monday night, voting 3-0 to push the deadline for a decision on the final land development plan until Dec. 31.
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