Zoning board denies hookah bar request

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The 5 Star Bar at West Centre and North Vine Street on August 22, 2024.
SHENANDOAH – The Shenandoah Zoning Hearing Board denied a request for the newest iteration of a longtime west end bar to add hookahs to its offerings.
The board met last Wednesday to reconvene a hearing to consider a request by Edwin Peretta and Rafael Blanco, operators of 5 Star Bar in the former RJ’s at Centre and Vine, to add hookahs.
The first part of the hearing lasted an hour, while the continuation lasted about 12 minutes, counting a 10 minute executive session.
Zoning Board Chairman Charles Vascavage said the use would create a “injurious, noxious, and dangerous condition” under the Shenandoah zoning ordinance.
The board voted 3-0 to deny the request.
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