Zoners approve re-use of St. John’s Church for new congregation

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The former St. John's Lutheran Church and Rectory are seen on Nov. 4, 2024.
SHENANDOAH – After an hour hearing Thursday afternoon, Shenandoah’s zoning hearing board approved the use of the former St. John’s Lutheran Church as a church once again.
The historic church on Cherry Street closed several years ago and was sold last year and again this summer.
Edward Lebron, of Shenandoah, filed a zoning permit application in September on behalf of the Iglesia Cristiana Tierra Fertil Church to use the church and rectory once again as a church and rectory.
The application is necessary as the property is zoned residential and requires a special exception.
Regarding parking impacts, Lebron purchased two lots in the 200 block of West Poplar Street — between Chestnut and West about two blocks from the church.
Lebron said the church could hold community activities and would host 15 to 20 parishioners. The parsonage next door is condemned and, if re-used for housing or other purposes, would come down the road.
He said that the church needs a new roof and the materials have been acquired.
Zoning Chairman Charles Vascavage asked what Lebron plans for the parsonage, saying he had heard worries that it may be used for temporary housing.
“Everything that we would like to do, we need to have a plan and come here for permission,” Lebron said, noting that he may use it for a music school of some type, or a community center, but not housing.
Donna Gawrylik raised concerns with Lebron’s character, citing a property he owns on North Main Street that burned in 2022 that has sat in derelict condition ever since.
Lebron and his attorney claimed the property is still tied up in insurance.
Borough Council President Joe Boris, attending on behalf of the Knights of Columbus Council 618, echoed similar concerns.
Other questioning from members of the public strayed off track from zoning.
Councilman Joe Gawrylik also said that zoning and code enforcement should do a walk-through ahead of a vote.
He then questioned why the borough has a zoning board.
Zoning Board Member Jack Rooney raised a motion to approve the church’s use. Rooney, Vascavage, and Gary Hronec voted yes.
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