With police disbanded, Girardville wanted to use force’s Facebook page as the borough’s. Facebook said no.

GIRARDVILLE – With its police force disbanded and its Facebook page left behind with the equivalent of Girardville’s population in followers, it made sense for the borough to repurpose the page.
On a June 5 post to the “Girardville Borough Police Department” page about a freshly-repainted basketball court, a commenter pointed out that the page needed to be renamed. The force is no more.
“We are working on it,” the page replied.
The apparent ultimate decision from Facebook? No, start from scratch.
In a letter posted to the page Monday, Mayor Michael Zangari said that it would no longer be used as of Wednesday.
“We were hoping to simply rename the police department’s page, but Facebook will not allow us to do that,” Zangari wrote.
A new page had to be created. Borough of Girardville has 111 followers as of Thursday night, a far cry from the 1,600 the former police force page has. At the 2020 census, Girardville had 1,311 residents.
“We look forward to being able to use this new Facebook page as another tool to connect our residents with their local leaders and keep everyone informed with what is going on in our community,” Zangari wrote.