West Mahanoy swears in Altamont fire police officers

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Members of the Altamont Fire Co. fire police are sworn in at the West Mahanoy Township Supervisors meeting on Oct. 15, 2024.
SHENANDOAH HEIGHTS – The fire police corps in one area fire company has reorganized and its members were sworn in this week.
Seven members of the Altamont Fire Company were sworn in as fire police officers at Tuesday night’s West Mahanoy Township supervisors meeting.
Supervisors Chairman Paul “Pepper” Martin said the contingent recently reorganized and reactivated.
In other business, township supervisors approved Trick-or-Treat night in the township.
It will take place on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 6pm to 8pm.
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