West Mahanoy supervisors approve purchase of four blighted homes for demolition

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A home at 1157 West Lloyd Street in Brownsville, seen on Oct. 18, 2023. The home is being purchased for demolition by the township.
SHENANDOAH HEIGHTS – Four abandoned homes in West Mahanoy Township could soon be brought down.
Township Supervisors approved the purchase of the homes at Tuesday’s regular meeting.
The homes — at 1157 West Lloyd, 4 Newtown Road, 257 Mount Olive Boulevard, and another on Mount Olive Boulevard — will be bought for $1 each from the tax claim repository list.

Supervisors also approved resolutions to submit each property to the county demolition program.
In other business, township supervisors approved a water termination agreement with Aqua, Pennsylvania. The agreement will allow the township to have water service shut off for delinquent sewer payments.
Supervisors also approved Trick-or-Treat night occurring on Oct. 31 from 6pm to 8pm.