West Mahanoy gets full-time cop from borough, who hires chief for trash truck

SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah Borough lost a full-time police officer to West Mahanoy Township and is gaining their police chief, but not for the police force.
At Monday night’s meeting, Shenandoah Council approved the resignation of Patrolman Matt Williams.
He is resigning effective March 31 as he accepted a full-time position with West Mahanoy Township Police. West Mahanoy approved the hiring at a rate of $26.63/hr at Tuesday night’s meeting.
Council’s vote was pending determination of what he may be owed for accrued time off.
West Mahanoy Township also approved the hiring of two part-time police officers — former Girardville Police Officer-in-Charge Jody Long and John Douchette III — at a rate of $20.50/hr.
While West Mahanoy gains a full-time officer and two part-time officer, they are losing their chief of police.

Supervisors approved Chief Marvin Livergood’s resignation at Tuesday’s meeting.
Livergood was hired Monday night by Shenandoah Borough as a sanitation truck driver.
He had been West Mahanoy Township Police Chief since May 2016.
“With respect,” Michael “Mickey” Kayes, supervisors vice-chairman, said following the vote. “We hate to lose him.”
Borough council also approved by a split vote to reinstate a fired officer.
In other business, West Mahanoy Township supervisors approved advertising the sale of 1157 West Lloyd Street with a minimum bid of $3,270.
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