West Mahanoy convenience store seeking liquor license for second time

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The Exxon gas station on Altamont Boulevard near Frackville on July 18, 2017.
SHENANDOAH HEIGHTS – An Altamont convenience store is hoping second time’s the charm in their effort to sell alcohol.
At Monday’s reorganization and regular meeting, West Mahanoy Township supervisors voted to advertise a public hearing regarding the transfer of a liquor license to Frackville Store, Inc. at 541 Altamont Boulevard.
That is the Exxon gas station just outside Frackville.
In 2017, township supervisors denied a request to transfer a liquor license from Saint Clair to the convenience store. The applicant at that time was T&J Petroleum LLC.
In other business, supervisors noted that the township road crew will collect Christmas trees this week. Residents are asked to place them along the curbside.
Supervisors also noted that it is illegal to throw snow into the street. Chairman Paul “Pepper” Martin said that, in at least one instance, snow was thrown at a township plow.
Prior to the regular meeting, supervisors voted to retain all positions from last year at their reorganization meeting, including Martin as chairman, Michael “Mickey” Kayes as vice-chairman, Michael Michalik as secretary/treasurer, Mark Pronio as code enforcement, and Jim Amato as solicitor.
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