West Arlington home partially collapses

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - First responders at the scene of Wednesday's collapse on West Arlington Street in Shenandoah, including Fire Chief Rick Examitas, left, and police Patrolman Mark Hysock, foreground left.
SHENANDOAH – An abandoned home on Shenandoah’s west end partially collapsed Wednesday evening.
Firefighters were called to 207 West Arlington around 7:45pm for the reported collapse.
The home — which has been abandoned for at least 10 years and has trash, along with two beds, piled on its porch — collapsed at the rear of the home, adjacent to the backyards of neighboring occupied homes.

According to the Schuylkill County Parcel Locator, the home is owned by Mike Umbenhauer, of White Haven, and has been since 1988.
No injuries were reported in the incident.