Township approves liquor license transfer to gas station, reminds residents to clear sidewalks

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The Exxon gas station on Altamont Boulevard near Frackville on July 18, 2017.

SHENANDOAH HEIGHTS – The second time was the charm for an Altamont convenience store in their bid for a liquor license.

At Tuesday night’s meeting, West Mahanoy Township Supervisors unanimously approved the transfer of a liquor license to Frackville Stores, Inc., the Exxon station on Altamont Boulevard.

Supervisors held a hearing on the matter last month. Previous ownership had sought a liquor license transfer in 2017, which was denied.

Representatives of the company said that the store is open from 5am to 10pm and that five Turkey Hill locations in Schuylkill County have a liquor license, including the location in Shenandoah, as well as the Redner’s Quick Shoppe in Turkey Run.

The liquor license is being transferred from OIP in Frackville.

In other business, Code Enforcement Officer Mark Pronio reminded residents to clear their sidewalks in winter weather events.

“It’s got to be cleared within 24 hours of snow,” Pronio said. “Our ordinance only requires an 18 inch pathway.”

“I know this ice is brutal,” Pronio said. “I walked the whole of Schuylkill Avenue today and I could’ve probably cited 80 people, but I’m not going to do that. Just be considerate of your neighbors.”

In other business, township supervisors approved applying for a $100,000 LSA grant for the police department. If awarded, the funds would go towards speed radar signs on Routes 924 and 54.

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