West End PSP: Shenandoah woman damages multiple parked vehicles in hit and run crashes June 23, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Ashland Detoured tractor-trailer downs wires, street sign, traffic island in Ashland June 14, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
North Union Township Fatal crash under investigation in North Union Twp. May 17, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Union Township Ringtown woman suffers minor injuries in Union Township vehicle accident May 3, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Sheppton Shenandoah woman taken to hospital from crash near Sheppton March 12, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Delano Township Shenandoah man suffers minor injuries in early morning Interstate crash March 4, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth