Ashland Ashland Council tables decision on retirement letter from Fire Chief Groody December 17, 2023 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Featured Shenandoah SFD companies, chiefs ask for funding increase from borough; EMS asking first due for stipend November 21, 2023 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Altamont Englewood Frackville Frackville area fire companies get grants from Pennsylvania American Water October 21, 2023 The Shenandoah Sentinel
Shenandoah Heights Heights Fire Co. gets $12.5k volunteer fire assistance grant from DCNR October 16, 2023 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Featured Shenandoah Shenandoah Valley Shenandoah elementary schoolers get up-close look at fire apparatus October 14, 2023 The Shenandoah Sentinel
Ryan Township Nuisance property could become pavilion in Barnesville; township approves fire co. LSA grant application October 10, 2023 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Downtown Shenandoah emergency services to host Public Health and Safety Night Out September 12, 2023 The Shenandoah Sentinel
Featured Schuylkill County Fire departments released from standby as Schuylkill 911 lines back in service September 8, 2023 The Shenandoah Sentinel
Featured Girardville Rangers Hose Co. raising funds to match grant for air packs September 7, 2023 The Shenandoah Sentinel