SV board names new president, fills vacancy

SHENANDOAH – The Shenandoah Valley school board has a new president, vice president, and member after last month’s resignation of former longtime president Dan Salvadore.
At Wednesday’s meeting, the board unanimously approved the appointment of Joseph Buchanan as president and John Petritsch as vice president.
Glenn Antz was appointed to fill the remainder of Salvadore’s term. Salvadore was re-elected to a four-year term in November and resigned last month. He was a member of the board for 14 years, and president for 10.
Antz was not present at Wednesday’s meeting.
In other business, the school board approved a letter of intent to retire from Brooke Wowak, elementary principal and federal programs coordinator.
“She isn’t done yet,” Superintendent Brian Waite said. “I would like to take the time tonight to thank you for everything that you’ve done for the district.”
Her retirement is effective Oct. 4.
The board also approved the retroactive posting and advertising for a new teaching position. The teacher would be a Business, Computer, and Information Technology teacher.
In other business, the board approved:
- Several PSBA developed policies;
- Several conference requests;
- The resignation of Drew Detweiler as a secondary math teacher and retroactive posting and advertising;
- The rescinding of employment from Rosalind Bingman, secondary special education teacher, and retroactive posting and advertising;
- The posting of an elementary teacher position and a new counselor’s secretary position;
- The hiring of Matthew Creasy as a secondary math teacher and Anna Tessarvich as an elementary art teacher, both at a salary of $47,760;
- The increase of the committed fund balance to $8,284,000 to account for future capital improvements, healthcare increases, contractual raises, technology upgrades, special education increases, vehicle purchases, cyber/charter tuition increases; utilities, and uniform purchases;
- The approval of several agreements;
- The resignation of Assistant Track Coach Cathy Crawford;
- The hiring of Austin Uholik as boys jr. high head basketball coach;
- The purchase of cross country uniforms;
- The resignations of Megan Cantwell, server; Allen Engle, autistic support paraprofessional and bus driver; Christine Mullecker, cafeteria server/snack assistant; and Leonardo Tovar, custodian, and posting and advertising;
- The use of facilities for Alumni Open Gym and the Good News Club’s Child Evangelism Fellowship;
- The disposition of obsolete computers and equipment to KVS Computers;
- The start of the process, including soliciting bids, to replace the home bleachers at Veterans Memorial Stadium;
- The resignation of Joseph Alshefski, van driver, and posting and advertising.
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