Something old, something new: Rut’s Cafe becomes El Portal

MICQUELYNN KAPUSCHINSKY / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The ribbon is cut on the new El Portal Restaurant at 12th and Mahanoy in Mahanoy City on June 8, 2024.
MAHANOY CITY – A ribbon-cutting was held Saturday morning as a longtime Mahanoy City staple changed hands.
Rut’s Cafe has become El Portal Restaurant at the corner of 12th and Mahanoy.
The Mahanoy Area Chamber of Commerce celebrated the grand re-opening.
“Welcome to El Portal Restaurant, where history intertwines with new culture,” Jeff Bowers, Chamber President, said.

Bowers said the corner of 12th and Mahanoy has been home to a bar or restaurant for over a century. It served as a meeting place for mining unions.
Eventually, it became Rut’s Cafe for half a century, known for their chicken, pizza, and more.
Juan Tovar, one of the new owners, said they kept Rut’s staff and many menu items while adding Latino fare.