Shenandoah firefighters tackle fire in abandoned East Lloyd home

PHOTO COURTESY / Ann Marie Kovalewski - Flames visible as Shenandoah firefighters battle a fire in an abandoned structure at 24 East Lloyd Street on Nov. 30, 2017.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
SHENANDOAH – Around 9:15pm, Shenandoah firefighters were dispatched to the area of 100 East Lloyd Street in the borough for reports of a structure fire.
Police Officers quickly reported a working fire, and crews arrived to find fire in an abandoned structure at 24 East Lloyd Street.
The building’s structural integrity posed a challenge for firefighters, although the flames were brought under control shortly after their arrival.
The fire was marked under control at 10:37pm, and fire crews were still on scene cleaning up at the time of publication.
Fire crews from all five Shenandoah fire companies, as well as Mahanoy City’s West End, Shenandoah Ambulance, and Shenandoah Police were on scene.