Shen. Valley going virtual for first two weeks of ’21

SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah Valley students will attend classes virtually for the first two weeks of 2021, the school board approved at a special meeting Monday night.

The virtual instruction will immediately follow the district’s winter break, which is scheduled Dec. 24 through Jan. 3.

“Tonight’s agenda includes a recommendation for a full virtual learning model from Monday, January 4, 2021 through Friday, January 15, 2021,” Superintendent Brian Waite told the board. “This is not an extension of the break. It is the district’s proactive step to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 after the winter break.”

Waite said that students will follow their virtual learning schedules, and that the move to virtual instruction will help mitigate the impacts of family gatherings for the holidays.

“Although we believe that in-person instruction is best for our students, meaningful instruction will continue to occur virtually during this two week period with our teachers leading the way,” Waite said. “Our goal is to get our students back to face-to-face instruction on Monday, January 18, 2021.”

“We believe that this decision is proactive in nature and keeps in mind the needs and concerns of all families,” Waite added.

Board member Helene Creasy motioned for an approval of the proposal, with John Petritsch seconding. The board voted 6-0 to approve.

Attending via Zoom were President Dan Salvadore, Vice President Joe Buchanan, Secretary Karen Kayes, and members Dr. Jodi Loughlin, Creasy, and Petritsch. Members Anita Monahan, Bill Moyer, and Margaret Shustack were absent.

In other business, the board:

  • Approved the hiring of Jacob Prescott as an emotional support teacher at a salary of $38,451,
  • Approved the purchase of commercial package excess liability insurance from Liberty Mutual Insurance Company at a cost of $69,586,
  • Approved a resolution that the board will not raise taxes over the 4.8% index for 2021-22. Salvadore said that there is no intention to raise taxes at all, and that the resolution was a year-to-year formality,
  • Approved Jim Kowalick as an assistant junior high boys’ basketball coach.

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