Shen. Valley budget for 2018-2019 holds line in taxes

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The Shenandoah Valley School Board meets on May 30, 2018.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
SHENANDOAH – For the second straight year, the Shenandoah Valley School District budget doesn’t include a tax increase.
At Wednesday evening’s meeting, the school board approved the 2018-2019 final operating budget which holds real estate taxes at 56.975 mills, which was last increased for the 2016-2017 school year.
“Taxes will not be going up,” said board president Daniel Salvadore as the budget passed unanimously.
The 2018-2019 general operating budget budget totals $18,767,689, an increase of $907,081 from the 2017-2018 fiscal year, ending on June 30.
The budget also includes a 1% realty transfer tax and 1% wage tax, shared with Shenandoah borough and West Mahanoy Township, as well as a $5 local services tax, 5% tax on culm processing, $5 per ton tax on fly ash disposal.

At the board meeting, the students of the month for April from the district were recognized.
From the high school, Camryn Carduff, daughter of Kristy and John Carduff, was selected for the month of April, and introduced by high school principal Stuart Tripler.
“In the community, she is very active in the William Penn Fire Company, the bingos, the Kielbasi Festival set up and clean up, Columbia Fire Company bingos, the soccer concession stand, the tee-ball concession stand, the church penny auction, the church cookie sale, and the basketball concession stand,” said Tripler. “Now, for school items, she’s very active in the drama club, the student council, National Honor Society, the float committee, the talent search, the YES program, and the Bloomsburg University ACE program.”
Tripler continued on to note that Carduff’s personal interests include theater, and sign language, and that her future plans include attending Bloomsburg University to study American Sign Language interpretation.
“I’m extremely honored and very thankful for receiving this recognition. Throughout the past four years that I’ve spent here at Shenandoah Valley High School, I’ve been deeply involved in extracurricular activities and community service events,” said Carduff. “My high school career has been filled with incredible experiences, inseparable friendships, and memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.”
Carduff then provided a report of activities in the high school over the past month.
Then, the sixth grade student of the month, Ava Menjivar, was introduced.
“Her teachers reported that she works hard in all of her classes, maintaining an A average. She is always willing to help out her peers, especially those that need the extra help,” said elementary vice principal Lesley Matus. “She is dependable, pleasant to be around, and an overall well-rounded student.”
Menjivar then introduced the other elementary students of the month, which were:
- Pre-K – Andrew Mikita
- Kindergarten – Chase Snyder
- 1st – Angel Flores
- 2nd – Izabela Snitzer
- 3rd – Ricardo Barrientos
- 4th – Aubrey Getz
- 5th – Morgan Labosky
In other business, the school board
- Approved professional staff in-service for ESL Instructor/Coordinator Debbie Stivers and and ESL Instructors Diann Belsak and Chantelle Neupauer to Ensuring Academic Success for English Learners;
- Approved professional staff in-service for Elementary Vice Principal Lesley Matus, teachers Kelly Tinari and Nina Delusso, Social Worker Sean Lyons, and Guidance Counselor Michele Baranowski to the 2018 PA Positive Behavior Support (PAPBS) Network Implementer’s Forum;
- Approved professional staff in-service for Superintendent Brian Waite and Facilities Director David Lukashunas to ALICE Training.
- Approved the Class of 2018 Graduates
- Approved 2018 Extended School Year Teachers Angela Huben, Gloria Laudeman, Sarah Lesisko, Amanda McCloskey, and Coleen McGuire, and Aides Julie Buchinsky, Gloria Karpovich, Cindy Kline, Martha Lewis, and Alicia Petritsch.
- Approved a 10 Day Out-Of-School Suspension for a student, as well as a 45-day exclusion from extracurriculars.
- Approved expulsion of another student with out of school instruction.
- Approved a one-year expulsion of a third student, who is to continue with an online program for one year.
- Approved suspension of a professional staff member with pay for one day, May 15, and approved sending correspondence advising the staff member that any further absence is without pay, subject to the staff member requesting use of accumulated sick time.
- Approved elementary professional staff appointments of Alison Semanchik at a salary of $38,481 and Melissa Wentz at a salary of $50,711, replacing the retiring Greg Tatusko and Catherine Coyne.
- Approved the second reading of 18 revised policies and one new policy.
- Approved reposting and readvertising for an elementary emotional support teacher.
- Approved Margaret Shustack as Board Tresruer with an annual stipend of $1,200. Shustack noted part of the stipend will go to the music department, and part to the drama club.
- Approved naming M&T Bank and First National Bank as official SVSD depositories for 2018-2019.
- Approved a $100 donation to the Shenandoah Rotary trash container project.
- Approved additional days for ESL/Title III Programs Coordinator Debbie Stivers
- Approved repository sale of 129 West Girard Avenue, Shenandoah, to West Mahanoy Township for $1, 425 West Poplar Street, Shenandoah, to the borough of Shenandoah for $1, and 235 Schuylkill Avenue, Shenandoah Heights, to Steven A. Veloza Rojas for $1,800.
- Approved a letter of resignation from softball coach Stacy Krupiewski and posting/advertising for said position.
- Approved letter of resignation from yearbook coordinator Stacy Krupiewski and posting/advertising for said position.
- Approved reposting/readvertising for Junior High Cheerleading coach.
- Approved building usages for Downtown Shenandoah Inc for the auditorium, Good News Club for the Elementary Cafeteria, and Mrs T’s Pierogies for the Auditorium and High School Cafeteria.