Sewer authority approves rate increase, discusses progress towards new plant

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - A portion of the Shenandoah Sewer Plant west of the borough, visible from Route 54 on August 1, 2018.
SHENANDOAH – Sewer rates may rise once again for residents in Shenandoah and the Heights.
The Shenandoah Municipal Sewer Authority voted Wednesday to raise sewer rates to $151 per quarter beginning next year.
Rates are currently $143 per quarter.
The rate increase will need to be approved by Shenandoah Borough Council.
Sewer Authority Chairman Chuck Lawson said the increase is another incremental increase to cover the cost of financing the new sewer plant.
Board member Robert Shumski asked if Shenandoah had the highest sewer bills in Schuylkill County.
Engineer Chris McCoach said the sewer rates here were among the lowest “by far.”
In other business, McCoach provided an update on the new sewer plant.
He said the plant is nearing final approval from the USDA, which is funding the project. Once that approval is received, they will seek bids for construction.
The sewer authority also approved a resolution to apply for an LSA grant to replace the pump station on West Centre Street with a deeper sewer line.
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Don’t cry about the sewer increase per quarter I must pay that per month here in minersville