Ribbon cutting held for new notary in Mahanoy City

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - From L-R: Jacqueline Rosario, Mildred Perez, Liz Herrera pose for a photo with a certificate from Rep. Dane Watro's office outside Millie's Multiservice on August 31, 2024.
MAHANOY CITY – The former Hawkes Meats shop in Mahanoy City has new life.
The Mahanoy Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting today at Millie’s Multiservice at 301 East Pine Street in the borough.
Members of the Chamber and Rep. Dane Watro attended, who presented Mildred Perez, the shop’s owner, with a certificate of recognition.

Perez has been a notary for a decade in the Mid-Atlantic region and her services include transferring deeds, insurance, translation, divorces, marriages, and much more.
Millie’s Multiservice is one of several new businesses to open in Mahanoy City in the past year.
“There’s a lot of businesses coming to town,” Chamber President Jeff Bowers told the Sentinel. “We’re welcoming new businesses. We like to see more and we like to see it grow.”