PSP: Zion Grove man confronts trucker from Philly, is struck and cited

HUMBOLDT – A Zion Grove man confronted a truck driver in the Humboldt Industrial Park, was clipped by the truck and, as of Monday, is the only person cited for the altercation.
State Police at Hazleton said the confrontation occurred around 9:15am Thursday at Maplewood Drive and Route 924.
Troopers said George Mitchell Jr., 53, of Philadelphia, was driving an Volvo tractor trailer to Amazon in the industrial park and was sitting in the left turn lane on Route 924.
Thomas Tutko, 55, of Zion Grove, pulled aside the truck in the left lane of the highway in a 2009 Jeep Liberty, exited the vehicle, and climbed aboard the passenger-side running board of the rig.
Troopers described the argument as a “road rage type incident.”
As Tutko began to climb off the running board, the truck began to move, striking the man and his vehicle with the passenger side fuel tank.
Tutko followed the truck to Amazon on Oak Ridge Road.
He had a scrape to his left leg and was evaluated at the scene by EMS and refused transportation.
Troopers said both Tutko and Mitchell would be cited for causing “inconvenience to the motoring public.”
As of Monday afternoon, only Tutko has been cited, accused of illegally parking outside a business and residence district.