Police: Man broke into occupied home from abandoned home

SHENANDOAH – A man is in Schuylkill County Prison after Borough Police said he broke into an occupied home from a neighboring abandoned home.
Luis Hernandez, 26, is facing felony burglary and criminal trespass charges for the incident.
According to court documents, Borough Police were called to 120 North Bower Street around 5:30pm Tuesday.
The caller, Linda Wentworth, of 120 North Bower, told police that Hernandez was in her third floor attic.
She told police she heard a noise upstairs, went to the third floor to investigate, and saw Hernandez run through a hole in the wall and into the attic of 118 North Bower, an abandoned home.
Hernandez, police said, is Wentworth’s daughter’s ex-boyfriend, and did not have permission to be in her home.
Borough Police Patrolman Mindy Parker, along with West Mahanoy Township Patrolman John Maczmarczyk and Mahanoy City Patrolman Derek Weichkosky, searched the residence for Hernandez, who was found in the third floor and came downstairs without further issue.
Hernandez was taken into custody and charged with felony burglary and criminal trespass. He was arraigned by on-call Magisterial District Judge David Rossi and committed to Schuylkill County Prison, unable to post $50,000 cash bail.
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