Parking issues continue to hamper response to alleyway fires in town

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A pickup truck is illegally parked under a No Parking Anytime sign on West Mount Vernon Street in Shenandoah on Dec. 25, 2024.

SHENANDOAH – With two alleyway fires this month in the borough, the usual parking issues — and an unusual one — are being raised once again.

The majority, if not all, of Shenandoah’s alleyways are no parking zones. The No Parking signs, though, are no deterrent.

In 2019, crews were called for a reported house fire at the corner of North Gilbert and West Penn. Engines tried to use West Penn to get into position, but an illegally parked SUV was blocking the street for all but a small car.

For the recent fire on West Atlantic Street, vehicles parked too close to the corner of Atlantic, coupled with an illegally parked tractor trailer, hampered efforts as well, Shenandoah Fire Chief Rick Examitas told the Sentinel Monday.

Another fire broke out in an alleyway on West New York Street the same week.

“A lot of cars are parked on these alleys. The fire trucks can’t make it down, that can be somebody’s life,” Council Vice President Mike “Zeckie” Uholik said at last Monday’s council meeting. “Let’s get serious.”

Mayor Andrew Szczyglak mentioned the issue of signage, noting that some alleys aren’t properly signed as no parking.

“If it’s not properly signaged, they’re going to take that ticket to the magistrate, and they’re going to win,” he said.

Council President Joe Boris said he’d heard from Examitas about the tractor trailer. He also raised the issue of vehicles parked too close to corners.

“In front of three stop signs, [there were cars] parked right up to the stop sign,” Boris said.

Councilman Joe Gawrylik said he’s on the same page as Uholik, and added that the garbage truck often has issues getting through town as well.

He suggested subcontracting posting signage in the new year.

Captain Travis Bowman said no officer was on duty at the time of the West Atlantic Street fire and added that a lack of personnel and high call volume make it difficult to enforce parking issues.

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