Outgoing East Union chief thanked for service; interim officer-in-charge appointed

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - East Union Township Police Chief Christopher Dimmick, left, and Patrolman Doug Litwhiler.
SHEPPTON – East Union Township’s outgoing police chief received praise and applause at a special meeting Thursday where supervisors accepted his resignation.
Chief Chris Dimmick said he’s moving to a new area after living in Schuylkill County his entire life. He recently sold his home and is now resigning the post as he moves into a new chapter.
“I appreciate everybody here and everybody that I’ve met and dealt with and helped in this township in the four years I’ve been here,” Dimmick said.
He said the decision had been on his mind for awhile.
Supervisors Chairman Kyle Mummey thanked Dimmick for his service.
“We wish you all the best in the future,” Mummey said. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for the township and its residents.”
A resident in attendance echoed the same thanks for the chief.
“Your shoes are going to be hard to fill,” Ray Trojan, of Sheppton, told Dimmick during public comment.
Supervisors voted unanimously to accept his resignation and advertise for a new chief.
In the interim, supervisors voted to appoint Patrolman Doug Litwhiler as Officer-in-Charge.
Supervisor Jill Careyva asked what an officer-in-charge would do. Mummey and Dimmick said the officer-in-charge would serve in an administrative role and would need to be formally appointed to have the access necessary to do so.