OP/ED: Taking Proactive Action to Safeguard Against PFAS in Schuylkill County

By Justin Ladner, President, Pennsylvania American Water
FRACKVILLE – We see it every day in the news: PFAS/PFOS/PFOA, a wide-ranging group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals often referred to as “forever chemicals,” are increasingly being found in everything from our water to our food supplies. In fact, the U.S. Geological Survey found that 76% of the streams studied in Pennsylvania contained at least one type of PFAS.
These manufactured chemicals have been used for decades in products ranging from nonstick cookware to firefighting foams They’ve made modern conveniences possible; however, they do have a downside: they take a very long time to break down, and they have been linked to some health risks.
Pennsylvania American Water does not create, manufacture or produce PFAS chemicals. However, addressing PFAS in water sources has become a national priority, and one we’re focused on here in Pennsylvania. It should be noted at the outset that Pennsylvania American Water began identifying and addressing PFAS before the state or federal government set limits and has delivered water that meets those limits.
Taking Action to Safeguard Against PFAS
When Pennsylvanians turn on their taps, they deserve the confidence of knowing that their water is clean, safe and high quality. As the state’s largest water and wastewater service provider, we take our customers’ trust very seriously. That’s why, in 2017, we began performing voluntary sampling of our water, testing for PFAS to better understand the occurrence of certain PFAS in drinking water sources.
Sampling allows us to understand how our water compares to the past health advisory level set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It also allows us to be prepared to meet the EPA’s recently enacted, first-ever, nationwide limits on certain PFAS in drinking water.
Most importantly, it also allows us foster further trust with our customers by being transparent. Our PFAS results are included in our annual Water Quality Reports, which are available to any customer by zip code search.
Investing in Frackville to Help Prevent PFAS
We recently welcomed local officials to our Frackville water treatment facility to see first-hand the $10 million investment we made to improve filtration of PFAS, PFOA, iron and manganese. Completed in late 2023, the upgrades also included a conversion from gaseous to liquid chlorine disinfection, construction of a new chemical and electrical building, replacement of the plant’s backup generator and other general facility safety improvements.
Plans were made for the Frackville facility in 2020, ahead of anticipated federal PFAS regulation.
Several years later, the new facility is now online and treating water for approximately 2,500 customers in the borough of Frackville and portions of nearby Butler, New Castle, Mahanoy and West Mahanoy townships.
State Representative Tim Twardzik, who represents Frackville, said at the event that this investment, “marks a significant advancement for our community.”
It is important to note that prior to completion of the treatment plant upgrades, the water produced by the Frackville Water Treatment Plant had PFOA/PFOS levels lower than the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP’s) regulatory limits.
Every day, Pennsylvania American Water strives to stay ahead of the curve – helping our customers feel confident in the quality of their drinking water. We are proud that our water meets and surpasses Pennsylvania DEP standards and new, more stringent federal limits on PFAS and PFOA.
These proactive measures reflect our broader commitment to our customers, the communities we serve and the environment. We take these steps to meet regulatory requirements – it’s about helping protect the communities where we live, work and play, too. Looking ahead, we’ll continue investing in improvements to the state’s water and wastewater infrastructure to help Pennsylvanians receive quality service.
We encourage customers to review their Water Quality Report by visiting: https://amwater.com/paaw/Water-Quality/Water-Quality-Reports.